“God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations.”

Psalm 67:1 – 2


Over the past two years, this passage from the book of Psalms has been the prayer of Dewey Community Church in Dewey, Illinois. It’s a prayer that God has answered in a big way. In response to a thriving youth ministry—and with the goal of bringing even more kids to Christ—this congregation of 110 people is wrapping up a $600,000 building project, and they’ve done it debt free. The multi-purpose addition includes a full-size gymnasium, youth room, kitchen, offices, and education rooms, and it’s already bringing multiple opportunities for ministry. As a result, ten high school students and two junior high youth have given their lives to Christ in the last month alone. “This project became a reality as a result of the vision of the people in our congregation,” says Neal Hauser, senior pastor, “and we’re already praying that God will open our eyes to the next chapter he would have us write in the history of our church.” To learn more about how God is using this small congregation to do great things for Him, visit http://www.deweychurch.org.