When working across cultures to share the Gospel, patience is essential. That’s especially true for Steve Nelson and his team serving among the Yalunka people in Mali, West Africa. Steve often hears the phrase, “maybe tomorrow.”

Steve’s latest report describes the unanticipated obstacles — and unexpected opportunities — to proclaim the good news about the Big Creator in the borderlands of African languages, ethnicities, nationalities, and religious traditions. Over four days, Steve and our FEC missionaries met with tribal elders, young families, gold miners, new converts, and old friends.

Steve described a particularly intense conversation between one tribal leader and the team’s translator, Samba. The elder asked, “What will it mean if I decide to follow Jesus? How will it change our lives and what will it mean to me and my family?” In the Yalunka language, Samba explained the promises of Scripture.

“When they finished and waited for my response, I expressed my joy and complimented Samba on his sharing,” Steve said. “Then I asked the man if he was ready to accept Christ and make this change. He and Samba both smiled and held up their hands. ‘Patience,’ they said, ‘patience.'”

Download Steve Nelson’s full reports from Africa here:

Nelson Report 2014-01

Nelson Report 2014-03