“God answered a prayer I didn’t even pray.”

Sloane Paris was raised within FEC at Brookside Church. She attended Purdue University and majored in hospitality and tourism management. Her focus quickly shifted to climbing the corporate ladder, and after graduation, Sloane landed her dream job working for a prestigious golf club in Washington, D. C. “I had everything I wanted at my fingertips, and I loved it.” Sloane eventually learned, however, that what had seemed like her dream swiftly became a never-ending pursuit of contentment. “I knew I needed to get out of there, because I was becoming something I was not. When you have everything, you don’t have to rely on God for anything, and that’s a dangerous place to be.”

Over time, God stirred Sloane’s heart to move back to Indiana to pursue a new direction. Through a course of events, Sloane became the new executive assistant at the FEC Resource Center. “I remember growing up, all I wanted to do was work in a church; now I work for more than sixty church congregations,” she says. “God knows the desire of our hearts even when we don’t know our own desires.” Sloane is now putting her gifts and talents to use working a job that she never saw in her future. “I’m the happiest and most content I’ve ever been in my professional life.” FEC welcomes Sloane as an excellent addition to the team, and we look forward to the future God has for her at FEC.