FEC is in the process of developing a powerful new tool to reach Basque people. Working in conjunction with Kevin Darnell, a ministry partner in the region, we have received copyright permission to translate Jesus Storybook Bible in a Basque/English edition. This project will put scriptures into the hands of hundreds of Basque families and pave the way for our team members to engage friends and neighbors in new conversations about Jesus.


The fact that this is a bilingual project is significant, as Jeff Shadowen, longtime team member, explains. “Learning English here is very important,” he says. “Many families will encourage their children to read this Bible in English, while the parents will read it in Basque. That way, parents and children will discover God’s truth together.” In a country where most people have never even picked up a Bible, this new tool has the power to change many people’s lives.


“We are really excited for this opportunity to transform lives and families through the truth of God’s word,” says Hal Lehman, international church planting director. If you would like to join us in reaching the Basque people through the Jesus Storybook Bible, you can make a contribution at https://pushpay.com/pay/fecinternationalincentives. Just select the “Spain – Jesus Storybook Project” option when giving. And for FEC families who have hosted Basque students, purchasing a Basque/English Jesus Storybook Bible as a gift would be a great way to reach out with the Gospel message to your student! Contact Jeff Shadowen at jeff.shadowen@gmail.com to learn more.