Trust the Miracle Making God 

Today I want to share a story that showed me clearly that we can trust our God. The point I want to make today is that we can trust God because He can do miracles. I experienced this reality in my own life.

In last week’s Spot I shared with you how I broke my leg playing soccer. This happened at a time when the Lord was calling me to ministry, but I was wrestling against that call because of my love of soccer. I recognized that soccer was an idol in my life. There is, however, another part of this story. Not only did I need to trust God with a broken leg, I also need to trust our God who is merciful and who is able to perform miracles.

I laid on the ground that day with my leg obviously broken. The pain was unlike anything I have experienced before or since. As both of the soccer teams gathered around me and a 9-1-1 call was placed. I felt myself slip into shock. My head was throbbing from the pain. I was in distress as I looked at my broken leg. My good friend, who is also a Christian, knelt beside me, grabbed my hand and said, “Hold on, the ambulance is on its way.” I really tried to hold on, but was losing the battle. The pain was so intense and the shock so over- powering that I felt myself beginning to slip into unconsciousness.

At that very moment, in terrible pain from my very broken leg and with my friend urging me to hold on, I prayed. It was the most desperate prayer I had ever prayed. I was desperate for God to answer me and help me. “Please, God, help me!” He answered that prayer. I don’t know if I have the words to describe what happened, but I’ll try. I was still very much in pain. But in the place of shock and the rapid decline into unconsciousness, I was filled with peace. Suddenly, I was able to cope with the pain and simply breathe. It was truly amazing. I can’t explain the change that took place in an instant. I could cope – only because God answered my prayer.

To illustrate how the Lord carried me, let me share one other thing that happened. This will particularly appeal to those who enjoy the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. After my injury I was still lying on the ground when an EMT arrived. My leg was very obviously broken, so his first question didn’t fill me with confidence. He asked, “So what happened to you?” I thought to myself, “Dude, my leg is broken!” but out loud I said, “It’s just a flesh wound.” Many of the people gathered around me laughed. As they visited me in the hospital during the following days, many of those guys asked, “How could you joke with a broken leg?” It was then that I was able to tell them about the miracle I had experienced.

I love this verse:

In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears. Psalm 18:6

Trust our God who is able to do miracles!


Pastor Glyn Knight

Spot of Grace