“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14)


This year, as we gather to celebrate our families’ Christmas traditions, may we also remember these words the angels spoke on the very first Christmas. It’s a message we all need to hear right now. Spend a few minutes watching the news or scrolling through the Internet, and it’s clear that many people are wishing anything but good will toward each other.

Were the angels wrong? I don’t think so. I don’t think the angels meant that the earth itself would be peaceful, but instead that the Christ child himself is our peace. In contrast to this world’s pain and suffering, Jesus instills good will in and through those who love and follow Him. He didn’t just arbitrarily change the world, He came personally and intentionally to build relationships with us and to change us.

So as we reminisce this holiday season, let us also remember that the responsibility to change things in this world rests on us. This, of course, is not by our own strength—that’s why Jesus came and why He has given us His Spirit. I am grateful to be part of a fellowship of churches that is committed to bring glory to God by living out His commands and fulfilling His mission on earth. Only then are we truly living out the proclamation the angels brought over 2000 years ago. God isn’t finished with world (or us) yet!

Sue and I thank you for the privilege of serving with you in this amazing assignment.  Blessings to you, your families, and your church family this Christmas season.


Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year,


Rocky and Sue