Nate Hamblin

About Nate Hamblin

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So far Nate Hamblin has created 144 blog entries.

Southside Community Church Launches in Wooster, Ohio

When Greg and Cara Grimwood sought rest and renewal for God’s call in ministry, they returned to his hometown, Wooster, Ohio. As they prayed, they met FEC church planting leaders in Ohio and considered planting a church in Wooster. As he and Cara prayed about the target community, they realized that the south side needed [...]

5 Tool Ministries: Reaching the Youth Sport Culture

Youth sports in America has become a big industry. Five years ago, a 2013 ESPN article highlighted the growth of youth sports in America, estimating that at least “21.47 million kids between 6 and 17, or more than the population of Texas in 2000,” were involved in a sport. A large percentage of those children [...]

Life Community Lives Out the Gospel in Maine

In a 2016, the Pew Research Center published a list that ranked U.S. states from the most religious to the least religious. Maine shared the bottom of the list with four other New England states. Life Community Church, a small but thriving community in Gardiner, Maine, remains undaunted by the statistics. FEC recently welcomed Life [...]

Pastors Find Rest & Renewal at Miracle Camp

When a pastor feels depleted or discouraged, who does he turn to? Who pastors the pastor? In his book, Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry (2012), Paul Tripp addresses the serious problems of isolation and identity that church leaders face within their church culture. He writes, “There is a debilitating myth that [...]

Restored Church Launches in November

When God wanted to tell His message of love to the people of Windsor, Colorado, near Fort Collins, He brought together an unlikely group. Glyn and Beckey Knight, originally from the U.K., met a small, church, located in a predominantly Hispanic community, that wanted to sponsor a new church in their growing community. That unique combination [...]

Fort Wayne Area Families Host Basque Students

“Kaixo!”  means, “Hello,” in the Basque language. Last June, six families in the Fort Wayne area said, “Kaixo,” to six Basque students and hosted them in their homes for three weeks through the Kaixo USA program. Through this program and others like it, FEC churches have been hosting Basque students for several years. The program [...]

Northwoods Church Launches Ministry Training School

When Northwoods Community Church in Peoria, Illinois, began in 1990, they envisioned reaching the 150,000 people in the greater Peoria area who did not attend church. Today, that vision has come to life in the surrounding areas of Galesburg, Chillicothe, Canton, and Princeton. As their outreach continues to grow, so has their desire to plant [...]

FEC Welcomes Neighbors Church in Portland, Maine

“Got faith? Maine the least religious state in the nation.” The Bangor Daily News recently published that story about changing religious views in Maine, citing several polls. FEC leaders and church planters Eric and Mandy Wood believed that Maine was ripe for outreach. At a time when many churches in Maine are declining in attendance [...]

Turning Tragedy into Opportunity in India

In a small Indian village, a woman watches as her husband’s breathing becomes more labored. Knowing that his death is imminent, she sends her daughter for the Hindu priest. As custom demands, he will administer the last rites in a Hindu ceremony, conduct the funeral service, and oversee the body’s cremation. Here, in her village, [...]