Only seven percent of American churches are multiplying and reproducing, according to The Exponential Conference exists to bring thousands of like-minded multiplication leaders together to inspire and equip them. This year, FEC leaders and church planters attended the March 2022 conference in Orlando for relationship building and vision casting.

Within FEC, church planters are equipped through the Church Planters Assessment Center (CPAC) and the Church Planter Boot Camp, but Exponential gives new church planters the chance to learn about church multiplication from other experienced leaders across the country. This year, five planters, their spouses, and team members from five states–Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio–attended the conference. All of them are in the process of planting a church or in the first year of leading a new church.

Brandon Risch, FEC Director of Church Planting, said, “We want to offer resources like this conference to our church planters so that we can come alongside them with their vision. We also want them to know that they are a part of a tribe, a brotherhood, at FEC.”

Exponential Training of Planters