A new FEC church launched in January in the rural town of Columbus Grove, Ohio. Meeting in the former Presbyterian Church, Emmanuel Community Church opened its doors with teaching, worship, fellowship, communion, and even its very first baptism. Brian McKanna, one of Emmanuel’s planters and co-pastors, was encouraged. “Having a baptism that day was very exciting. After a year of praying and planning, to see it to come to fruition, I don’t know how to describe how it feels. The Lord had done it. We’re very grateful to him.”

In 2021, Brian heard from multiple sources about the idea of church planting. “It seemed like the Lord was leading by bringing these people in the same week.” With Columbus Grove being a predominately Catholic area, Brian saw a need for more evangelical houses of worship. In time, weekly prayer meetings began with Brian, Kerry Wright, Ben Moser, and their wives regarding this church plant.

Someone challenged them to buy the old Presbyterian building rather than rent it. The risk felt great with no money and no church members yet, but they approached the town council and were blown away by God’s grace. “They made improvements on the building on our behalf and sold us the building for $1.00,” Brian says. “The Lord has given us favor with the community.”

Emmanuel Church is actively praying for a full-time vocational pastor to join their team. The days ahead are exciting as they launch their first message series, Bible studies, outreach, and building renovations.