Miracle Camp and Retreat Center has been a part of the FEC family ever since its establishment in 1965. Over the past 50 years, thousands of FEC church attendees have been touched by Miracle Camp and its ministry. As Miracle Camp grows and prospers it is reaching more lives than ever for Christ, and continues to be a valuable ministry partner for the churches and families of FEC.

Over the past year, the camp board has spent much time praying and searching for wisdom – desiring God to lead them in making the next 50 years as successful as the past 50. However, with both the Executive Director and Ministry Director positions in transition, it was important to fill those roles before moving forward. As they prayed, it became clear that God was calling Jonathan Hyde, the Administrative Director here in the FEC Office, to transition into the role of Executive Director at Miracle Camp and Retreat Center.

While Jonathan’s presence will be sorely missed in the FEC Office, this is an exciting transition for the Hyde family, Miracle Camp, and FEC.

Jonathan’s move has immediately opened up the position of Administrative Director here in the FEC Office. For more information, visit the Job Opportunities page on our website.