“Dude, I surrender. I’m all in.” These words, spoken by a young man who has been struggling with the idea of selling out for Christ, reflect the vital ministry of Prodigal Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Made of up nominally churched and “de-churched” people, along with people who have never been to church at all, Prodigal Church has been meeting regularly on Sunday evenings and is getting ready to launch a children’s ministry. Tim Swanson, who is planting Prodigal Church alongside lead pastor Bradley Reith, describes the group this way. “What people in this generation value most is authenticity, but that’s only a felt need. They don’t know that the Gospel is their real need. That’s why we’re presenting the Gospel to them in an authentic way.”

This Gospel message is hitting the mark and transforming lives, particularly among a group of young leaders call “The Nines.” This group of six men has been studying nine disciplines of greatness, and they are beginning to step up and become spiritual leaders in their families as a result. “These are our future leaders,” says Tim, “guys who are willing to fight to figure things out.” To learn more about how you can get involved, or to make a financial contribution, contact Tim at timhswanson3@gmail.com.