Listen to one leader’s recent experience being a part of FEC’s Leadership Lab:

“The health and long-term effectiveness of any ministry begins with the health and unity of its primary leadership teams.”
In his book, Sticky Teams, Osborne goes on to say, “A unified and healthy leadership team doesn’t just happen. It has to be a priority.”

This is why FEC has developed a six-to-eight hour, customizable retreat for the local church’s pastor and leadership team to experience together. We will come and guide your team through four sessions centered around a series of essential questions aimed at providing greater clarity, health, and effectiveness within your leadership team.

  • Functionally, how do we understand the church? Learn to leverage the leadership windows God has given your team.
  • How does Scripture portray the church leader? Wade into the biblical caricature of those entrusted to lead Christ’s bride.
  • How does a diverse team lead as one? Identify core components to guarding and growing the unity of the team.
  • How do we communicate through conflict? Develop practices to overcome unavoidable conflict within the team and throughout the church.

What participants are saying about Leadership Lab:

“It forces you to think about really important things in regards to church health and leadership that the pressures of practical ministry can distract and sidetrack you from. It’s a good Biblical refocusing for your team.”

“The time together as an individual leadership team provided a launching point for future discussions. It also provided some language we can use in those future discussions.”

“The leadership lab was good solid teaching while being casual and low key. I think, by design, it was as much about building relationships as it was about learning leadership tools. It was a well spent weekend.”

“This is a great tool to help lay leaders and paid staff get on the same page through the guiding of an outside source. This information, if presented by paid staff, would not be received the same way as it being presented from someone outside the church.”

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