“There’s no way we can do this.” That was pastor Matt Boyer’s first thought about the now highly successful leadership development residency program at Crossroads Evangelical Church in Wauseon, Ohio. Contrary to Matt’s first prediction, church leaders stepped up, residents showed up, and the program has succeeded in ways Matt could never have imagined. Every resident who has tackled the training is now serving in a leadership position within FEC.

Designed with flexibility in mind, the residency program has grown and changed in the past few years. “We adapt our residents’ experiences to their interests and strengths,” Matt says. “In their second year of training, we assign them to specific ministries within Crossroads.” The practical, hands-on experiences have proven highly valuable, both to Crossroads and the residents alike. “The residency program has definitely breathed new life into our church,” says Matt.

Matt’s key takeaway from his experience is this. “Leadership development is definitely something that other churches can do, too. It’s not typical for rural churches like ours to invest in this way,” says Matt. “But if there’s a commitment to do it, God will provide necessary resources.”

This year, in addition to equipping up to four more church-leaders-in-training, the program is adding an international component. Raj Mari, brother of Syam Mari of ZEC Ministries, is planning to join the team for six months of intensive ministry training. “Our thought is that Raj might recreate the program in India,” says Matt. “We hope he’s the first of several international pastors to join us in years to come.”

To learn more about this highly effective leadership program, check out the leadership development tab at crossroadswauseon.org.