Reunion, Colorado, a growing area of east Denver, is home to Reunion Church. Launched in September, the new church focuses on making disciples through small groups and one-on-one relationships. Pastor Andrew Morrison said, “We wanted to plant a church that was compatible with our gifts and passion for making disciples.”

The vision for Reunion Church began in Andrew and Hannah Morrison’s heart during the pandemic. In 2019, they began looking for a church planting opportunity, but when the pandemic struck in 2020, they connected with their neighbors and discipled believers instead. Andrew said, “During the shutdown, we loved what we were doing with ministry.” In 2021, they began inviting those people to a coffee house gathering each week. When they outgrew the coffee house this spring, they looked for another place to meet. A charter school agreed to rent their building, so they officially launched Reunion Church in September.

Reunion Church’s unique gathering emphasizes discipleship groups and community for people who enjoy mountain activities on the weekends. They meet on Sunday evenings at 4:00 p.m. and conclude at 5:30 p.m. with a meal. During the evening, they worship and listen to a 20-minute teaching from the Bible, and then, they divide into small discussion groups for 30-45 minutes. Jonathan and Julianna are a young couple who found Reunion Church early on and stayed because they liked the discussion format. Within months, Julianna placed her faith in Jesus Christ. Jonathan, a military veteran who served in Afghanistan, now leads a men’s discipleship group.

Another unique aspect of Reunion Church is its simplicity. Andrew emphasizes that they want to keep the Sunday gathering simple. Instead of putting an emphasis on the Sunday experience, the church emphasizes participation in discipleship groups or one-on-one discipling. Tim and Cody are two young men who have become a part of Reunion Church through a discipleship group. When the church launched, both men took on needed responsibilities with setup and tear down. Like Tim and Cody, Andrew said, “When you meet someone new at church and ask how they heard about us, we hope they say, ‘I have been in a discipleship group with Joe, and he invited me.’”