When the West Africa Initative (WAI) Work Team headed to Mali in early March of 2015, no one knew exactly how much they would accomplish, or what the overall impact of their trip would be. Since the team left over two months ago, we are still impressed by and grateful for the quantity and quality of work done by the WAI Work Team.

According to Hal Lehman, FEC International Missions Director, the Work Team has saved the WAI team members at least six months of work – time they’ll be able to devote to continued language learning and village trips.

The WAI Work Team consisted of five individuals:

Kevin Myers – Crossview Church, Grabill, IN.

Terry Grena Sr. – Northwoods Church I.V.C, Peoria, IL.

Seth Gorman – Pine Hills Church, Fort Wayne, IN.

Michael Liechty – Pine Hills Church, Fort Wayne, IN.

Emily Liechty – Pine Hills Church, Fort Wayne, IN.



Michael and Jenn Sprunger Response

We are incredibly grateful for the work the team did on our house. Not only did they meet some of the most basic needs of our house (screens on the windows, cabinets, wardrobes, etc.), they did so with a level of quality and expertise unmatched in Kedougou. We believe we probably have the nicest kitchen cabinets in all of Kedougou. Without the work they did in those 10 days or so, we would probably not be living in our house yet. And the more time spent living in a guesthouse, the slower and more difficult the transition. We’re very humbled by the team’s willingness to give of their time, energy and resources to provide for us. And we’re thankful for the churches and individuals who supported them financially to make their trip a reality. Our only regret is that we just missed meeting the team members. They flew out of Dakar the day before we flew in. We look forward to meeting them and thanking them in person someday.