In November, FEC officially welcomed Zo Christian Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, into the fellowship. The Zo are distinguished from other immigrants from Myanmar by their Zo language. While they may speak a language other than English, they share doctrinal and missional similarities with FEC. Pastor Kham Khen Pau said, “Zo Christian Church desires not only to join FEC but to also be active participants with other churches to accomplish God’s purpose.”

Zo Christian Church shares the same values and mission of FEC–to establish reproducing churches worldwide, and they currently support two missionaries in Myanmar. Hal Lehman, FEC Cross-Cultural Church Multiplication Director, said, “They are already an active church and by joining FEC they will add richness and greater vision.” Their church consists of about 150 people who speak Zo. In 2022, they purchased a church building and began worshiping there in October.

Pastor Kham Khen Pau, or Pastor Pau as he’s known, and his family immigrated from Myanmar over 10 years ago. Pastor Pau grew up in a Christian home and began serving the Lord after he gave his life to Jesus at 18 years old. He has served as a missionary and attended Bible college before immigrating to the U.S. with his wife and five children.