FEC Churches “shower” River City Church with blessings

An update from Eric Baldwin, Planter of River City Church in Pittsburgh


River City Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is well on its way to covering all of its anticipated church-launch supply expenses, thanks to a series of “baby showers” hosted by FEC churches, along with other supporters and churches, in the past two months. A creative way of educating people about a church launch and garnering financial support, these one-time gifts help with the “birth” of a brand-new church—over and above any regular support.

Jay Nickless, church multiplication pastor at Grace Newton, launched the idea of baby showers for new churches four years ago, and the Grace churches have been hosting one per year ever since. “I’m extremely happy with how it’s turned out,” says Eric Baldwin, River City Church pastor. “With the funds we’ve received from our baby showers, and additional special gifts from other churches, we’ll have enough money to buy the supplies we need to launch our church this fall.” Those supplies include everything from a sound system and space rental to changing tables and cleaning wipes.

In addition to the gifts from Grace Newton and its network churches, River City Church has received significant support from Lawton EMC, as well as Sonlight Community Church, New Beginnings Church, Upland Community Church, Dewey Community Church, Calvary Evangelical Mennonite Church, and Eureka Bible Church. Several local churches have taken an interest in supporting Eric’s efforts as well. One is even providing childcare during the launch team meetings in addition to doing a launch baby shower.

To learn more about how you can partner with—and pray for—River City Church, visit their website at www.RiverCityPGH.com.