On July 9th, Life Community Church (LCC) experienced a severe fire in Hilliard, Ohio. Over the last nine months, its congregation relocated to a local Lutheran church and experienced God’s faithfulness and provision weekly. Pastor Dan Burmeister stepped back into LCC’s restored auditorium this spring for Sunday morning services and witnessed the joy in his congregation. “For our people, it was just an incredible time to celebrate God’s goodness.”

God’s provision was on display almost immediately after the fire last year. One week later, a local tent company provided a tent for LCC to use in their parking lot for Sunday morning services. That same week, Dan heard from the pastor at Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church (RELC) an offer for LCC to use a space in their building. Not only did they provide it, but the pastor willingly gave them the primary auditorium, and RELC moved to a smaller chapel as their meeting place. “That was a tremendously humble gift to receive from another church in town,” Dan says.

With division being so prevalent in this nation, Pastor Dan is deeply encouraged by the unity that has been on display within the Hilliard churches and community during this season. It has been an example of what the power of unity can do.

Along with LCC is the Hilliard Food Pantry which operated out of the church’s back wing for four years until the fire. Dan is hopeful construction will be complete by August so this partnership can resume. Sharing a location with the food pantry gives the church regular opportunities to connect with and build relationships in the community. In the past, this happened through church members volunteering at festivals and teaching classes at the food pantry.