River City Church: Nine Month Update

An update from Pastor Eric Baldwin


We’ve been in Pittsburgh for nine months and have experienced the dichotomy between the physical and spiritual aspects of church planting.

We believe that God has led us to the right place at just the right time. We fit well in our neighborhood and enjoy our friends and neighbors. After thorough assessments, we believe that God has given us the personality, skills, and gifts in order to succeed. He has blessed us with an amazing support network including finances, prayer, oversight, and coaching. God has given us a small group of committed Christians to work with in order to build the church.

We have advertised our new church through radio, online, and with flyers because we want people to come and hear about Jesus. Paul’s says in 1 Corinthians 15:5 that because of God’s grace we want to work as hard as possible and I agree with him completely. Additionally, we want you to share the joy of furthering God’s Kingdom with us.

Ultimately, though, this isn’t about you or us. This is Jesus’ church. He is the one who is the head and He is the one who promised to build His church (Matthew 16:18). This is a spiritual battle with eternal ramifications. As I was reading The Deliberate Church by Mark Dever this week I was reminded about what it takes to make a church grow. He told his elders at Capital Hill Baptist Church that he would focus on four things for church growth:

  1. Prayer
  2. Preaching the Word
  3. Personal Discipleship relationships in the church
  4. Patience

May we be Christians who are persistent and who persevere in these four areas.

Grace to you,

Eric Baldwin