Latest Stories & News

Evangelicals, Catholics, Muslims Collaborate to Buy Hearse for City

In October, 2021, Evangelical, Catholic, and Muslim groups collaborated in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso (West Africa) to give their city a much needed gift: A new hearse. For 30 years, Muslim and Catholic groups in the city had wanted to provide a hearse since few other transportation services were available. In many countries, funeral and burial [...]

Northwoods Church Lead Pastor Passes the Torch to His Son

Just as Northwoods Church in Peoria, Illinois, celebrates its 32nd year in March, the church will also experience a leadership transition. When the senior pastor, Cal Rychener, transitions out of his role, he will be making room for his son, Jon, to step into the lead role. God has spent a lifetime preparing Jon for [...]

Dominican Republic Leader Plants FEC Church in Orlando

Donate to this Initiative! As a boy growing up in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Joel Ramirez sensed God’s call to become a pastor. His church, Light and Life, had been planted by FEC missionaries decades earlier and was committed to planting churches. Because of his commitment to that call, Joel and his wife Mabel [...]

Pine Hills Church Launches Spanish-Speaking Ministry

Language and culture can be a barrier to sharing the gospel. No one knows that better than Hugo Reyes who is leading a community of Hispanic people at Pine Hills Church and bridging the cultural and language barrier that once existed there. He said, “If we remove the language barrier, we have a whole new [...]

Life Community Church, Hilliard, creates Multicultural Community & Partners with Spanish-speaking Church

People from Spanish-speaking countries make up nearly 20% of the United States population as the largest minority group ( Life Community Church in Hilliard, Ohio, is building a bridge to the Hispanic community around them in two ways, by becoming a multicultural church and by hosting an independent Spanish-speaking congregation in their building. Life Community [...]

Denver Church Plant Seeks Location & Vision for Ministry

The process of planting a new church takes time and planning. For Jerrod and Maggie Keith and their team, the time has been used to help them envision the church that God has called them to plant on Denver’s east side. In early 2019, Jerrod and Maggie left the Denver church where they served bi-vocationally [...]

Reunion Church, Denver, Plans Unique Ministry Model & 2022 Launch

Reunion Church in Denver has a unique culture of making disciples, and its pastor has a unique perspective on his life after a life-threatening heart attack in 2021. Colorado natives Andrew and Hannah Morrison have invested their lives in discipleship-oriented ministries, so when they began planting on Denver’s northeast side, they chose that model for [...]

LIFEGATE Church, Denver, Finds a Permanent Home

In 2020, amid the pandemic quarantines, LIFEGATE Church, Denver, found a permanent home. One year later, they have created a welcoming, community-oriented space for their members and neighbors. After launching in February 2015, they met at Cherry Creek High School in south Denver for five years. When the school asked them to vacate for renovations, [...]