Band of Brothers / Circle of Sisters Groups

a different level of ministry mutual support

Band of Brothers and Circle of Sisters groups are a next-level connection among those serving in church ministry leadership.

Regionally formed out of “THRIVE” cohort participants as well as stand-alone groups, the FEC office coordinates clusters of 5-8 participants who meet for mutual interactive support, prayer, accountability, and friendship.  Groups gather in person when possible, virtually when not, and engage in intentional, guided connection through topics and questions that go below the “safe” places to a heart level most ministers’ groups never reach.

The covenantal element of a Band of Brothers and Circle of Sisters allows several significant types of spiritual brotherhood and sisterhood to happen:

  • authentic, soul-level encouragement
  • specific accountability
  • care and support, emotionally and tangibly
  • genuine camaraderie
  • a safe haven to confess true soul condition, temptations, weakness, and sin without fear of repercussion.

To join, form, or inquire about a new Band of Brothers  or Circle of Sisters in your area, contact the FEC office (260.423-3649) or FEC Pastoral Care Coordinator Steve Adriansen at

Additional “Peer Support” provisions:

The unique challenges and pressures endured by ministry marriages and families are something only those in it can fully understand.  Often the spouses of pastors carry a silent burden that weighs them down and drains their souls, creating a loneliness exacerbated by the fact they don’t feel there’s anyone in their church they can confide in.

Because we’re not intended to walk that road alone, FEC has established a forum where pastoral wives can find each other, engage in meaningful connection, and initiate friendships that can offer them encouragement and camaraderie through the journey of pursuing thriving marriage, family, and personal health in the fishbowl of pastoral ministry.

  • The FEC Wives Facebook page is a private group, available to all FEC pastor’s wives.Once a member, you’re invited to reach out, share your story, and find others who can relate and converse about the shared experiences you encounter in ministry, family, and marriage.
  • The FEC “Spouses’ Forum” is a recurring video call exclusively for FEC lead pastor spouses, where they are invited to share their hearts and situations in a confidential setting, finding support, encouragement, and prayer.
  • You may also request personal conversation with one of the FEC leadership spouses, who are available for private interaction, encouragement, and prayer.

To receive details and invitation to the Spouse’s Forum or private FEC Wives Facebook page, or to seek out a personal conversation, contact Sue Rocholl at

FEC holds an annual gathering each summer under this stated purpose: To encourage, empower, envision, and unite FEC leaders and interested others. This three-day event provides both scripted and unscripted times for those serving in ministry to find each other, share best practices for ministry, and more importantly, to connect on an honest heart level with others who understand better than anyone the costs, pressures, and challenges involved in Christian leadership/ministry.

Scholarships are available for credentialed individuals whose churches are unable to cover the costs of attending the conference. All leaders within FEC churches are urged to attend and avail themselves of the rich relational connections that happen when the community of pastors and ministry leaders unite in the same space.

For more information and to register visit the FEC Annual Conference page.