Annual “Pastor Wellness Check”

Medical doctors encourage periodic well-patient visits and annual physicals for their patients, to ensure they are on a path of optimal health.  Similarly, those in frontline spiritual leadership positions do well to undergo a “routine” spiritual checkup, to invite trained and objective eyes to see what they may be too busy or too others-focused to notice.

FEC has established a provision where every lead pastor in the fellowship is provided a once-a-year, two-hour wellness check with FEC’s director of pastoral care.  It’s a chance to talk honestly about the struggles, challenges, victories, and effects of ministry on the pastor’s heart, mind, and body, with a trained counselor to pastors.

Should a check-in reveal areas that a pastor would like to pursue further in a counseling setting, the Clergy Care Counseling provision may follow to provide a longer-term setting for working through the issues they have discovered.

To schedule a wellness check, contact the FEC office (260.423-3649) or FEC Pastoral Care Coordinator Steve Adriansen at